Workshop Motivation and Objectives

The 14th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE) workshop continues to provide a forum to discuss the challenges of Model-Driven Development (MDD) for Requirements Engineering (RE). Building on the interest of MDD for design and implementation, RE may benefit from MDD techniques when properly balancing flexibility for capturing varied user needs with formal rigidity required for model transformations as well as high-level abstraction with information richness. MoDRE seeks to explore areas of RE that have not yet been formalized sufficiently to be incorporated into an MDD environment as well as how RE models can benefit from emerging topics in the model-driven community, such as flexible, collaborative, and AI-enabled modeling. In accordance with this year’s RE conference theme, we aim to expand the frontiers of RE by emphasizing the exploration of novel RE areas through model-based techniques. We look forward to identifying new challenges for MoDRE, discussing on-going work and potential solutions, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of MDD approaches for RE, fostering stimulating discussions on the topic, and providing opportunities to apply MDD approaches for RE. MoDRE aims to facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas between (i) people from the RE community that are trying to benefit from model-driven techniques, (ii) people from the model-driven area that aim to include RE stages in their model-driven processes; and, (iii) people from the general RE community, as well as other communities, with interest in these topics to identify new challenges for MoDRE, discuss on-going work and potential solutions, analyse different alternative solutions, and identify strengths and weaknesses of each alternative.

The workshop is co-located with the 32nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2024) in Reykjavik, Iceland, in June 2024. Accepted papers will become part of the workshop proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Digital Library.

Jennifer Horkoff

Keynote Speaker - Jennifer Horkoff:
"Information Modeling for Continuous Revolution - Modeling Knowledge and Coordination in Large-Scale Agile Development"

Jennifer Horkoff is an Associate Professor at the Interaction Design and Software Engineering division in the Computer Science and Engineering Department shared by Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Dr. Horkoff is currently involved in projects investigating non-functional requirements for machine learning (supported by the Swedish Research Council - Vetenskapsrådet), and the role of RE and conceptual modeling in large-scale Agile (supported by the Chalmers Software Center in collaboration with local industry). Jennifer received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in 2012 and received her Swedish Docent in 2020. She previously held post-doc positions at City University, London and the University of Trento, Italy. She has been an author or co-author of more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals, conferences, or workshops. Jennifer has been a co-program chair of RE, REFSQ, ER and PoEM, and has served on program committees and organizing committees of several international conferences (e.g., ICSE, RE, ER, MODELS, CAiSE), and has been a (co-) organizer of several international workshops.

Overview of Workshop Format

The format of the workshop reflects the goals of the workshop: constructive feedback for accepted workshop papers, collaboration, and community building. The workshop will be highly interactive with a few paper presentations, a keynote presentation currently planned for the pre-lunch session, and plenary brainstorming and general discussion sessions. The discussion topics are chosen based on the specific interests of the participants. The short presentations and the results of the brainstorming and discussion sessions are posted on the workshop website after the workshop.

A group dinner in the evening of the workshop day offers further opportunities of community building and discussions.